Read: The Four Winds


Dear friends, stop what you’re doing right now and go request The Four Winds at your local library, grab it from your fave bookstore, order it for your Kindle, whatever you’ve gotta do. But just READ THIS BOOK.

The Four Winds is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. I always love anything by Kristin Hannah, but she’s really outdone herself with this one. About 10 people recommended it to me, and I’m so glad they did! Historical fiction is my jam and this was a beautiful, powerful story about the Dust Bowl era of the Depression. The book follows Elsa Martinelli from childhood to adulthood, as she navigates her way through all of it during this dark, bleak time. It’s heartbreaking, it’s hopeful, it’s a LOT- and it’s truly a must-read novel.

I cried so much through this book. I thought about it constantly. It made me think about all of the conveniences we have in this life and really examine how much I take for granted. This book made me THINK.

The writing was gorgeous, the story was so compelling, I read it in 48 hours and will read it again. You don’t even need any more details- I don’t want to spoil a THING! Just get it. Then come back and tell me how much you loved it! 10/10!