Read: The Great Alone


If you’ve recently asked me for a book recommendation, The Great Alone is most likely what I shouted at you to read. YOU! HAVE! TO! READ! THIS! BOOK! But keep in mind this story is incredibly heavy at times and you’ll feel it ALL with the main character Leni- sadness and despair, hopeful and excited- so many ups and downs. So if you’re feeling depressed already maybe skip this one for now, but keep it on your list for later!
The Great Alone is long- almost 500 pages- and I can’t even tell you the amount of times I happily realized, relieved, that there was still so much more to go. I loved this book and didn’t want to it end, but also needed it to end so I could see what happened (and get back to getting to bed at a decent hour!).
Some info- the story takes place in the 1970s and Leni’s father, a former POW, packs up his family and moves them to Alaska with little to no knowledge of what they were getting themselves into. Leni is 13, and as we walk through her coming of age story we experience it all right along with her, in beautiful, rugged, dangerous, inspiring Alaska. You absolutely go on a journey with this story- I felt so many different emotions while reading it. I don’t even want to tell you any more details. Just trust me, go get it, then let me know what you thought when you finish. I can’t wait to hear!