Read: How Not to Die

How Not to Die book

How Not to Die is one of the books my Aunt Ellen got us for Christmas! At first I was like what the heck is this book?! How not to die? Felt extreme and I just wasn’t sure. But then I read it and WOW what a read!

So how it works is it’s broken into chapters based on diseases and ailments (things you can die from) and really breaks down what to do to NOT die from that thing. I first went to the breast cancer chapter and learned so much. I then read it cover to cover very quickly even though it’s a really big book- I couldn’t put it down! I was so engrossed and was carrying around that heavy thing for a couple days, and when I was done I walked away feeling very inspired and empowered, and with lots of tangible tips and ideas for upping my family’s health and wellness.

I think you’ll love this book, and I just saw you can read it for free on Kindle Unlimited. I do recommend the hard copy though if you’re a note taker and page marker like me.

Will you read this?