A December 21st Life Update

I just was looking at my blog and realized that the last many posts are all link round ups. Yikes. Although that’s one of the things I really enjoy sharing (shopping for other people), that’s not why I’m here and I felt like I needed to remedy that immediately. So, here I am. It’s been a long time since I’ve just sat here and written about what’s going on, and it feels kind of nostalgic. So many years journaling and blogging- then not- will do that to you. To be honest I’m not really sure where my place online is. I was talking to my Mom and sister about this last week- it’s been so many years of sharing online either for a client or myself that it’s actually a habit, a reflex to create content. I am such a private person that sometimes I don’t even know how I got here! So I’m trying to figure out how to enjoy sharing and being in an online space in a new way, as I grow into this next season. I’ve circled around about this MANY times, but in a nutshell having shared online for so many years it’s a HABIT, it’s just part of my life, so it takes conscious effort to separate from that. Working on it.

Anyway! We recently took a trip to the East Coast and NYC (I didn’t share any of it on Instagram, you didn’t miss it!), and it was so fun. I always love going there, but it also always reminds me how much I LOOOOVE living in a small(ish) town. I’m not a city person, but little visits here and there are really awesome. I will say that visiting the NY Public Library was one of the most wonderful things (it is so beautiful) and had me dreaming of a second life as a librarian. The history, the architecture, all the books! I loved it. NYC as a whole is so inspiring and I could people watch for hours and hours.

Now for the part of this post that sounds like a Christmas card blurb. Life has been good. It’s a hard time in general with everything going on in the world and I’m grateful for my family and the love we share. The kids are getting so big- Henry is 11, Charlie’s 8 and Olive is 4! Can you believe it? We are very busy with the kids’ sports and activities and the various things we have going on with our Airbnbs and what not! If you ever come to Prescott let me know, we would love to have you.

There is much more to say, this feels pretty surface, but I’ll leave it at this for today. Just some thoughts as I ease into sharing here outside of that unfortunate overdoing of links posts. Loyal readers, my apologies. I’ll work harder to update more as I figure it all out. I will tell what I do love talking about here and on IG- shopping for people (like I mentioned above), books and all things reading, photography (which I don’t really share much of, I should share more!), travels and FOOD! So, more of those things. Less of the kids, less of my family, more from my lens.

Thank you for being here, it’s still amazing to me to see you on this blog even after all of these years.


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