10 Children’s Halloween Books to Add to Your Collection


It’s October Eve and what better day to share 10 books my family and I recommend for you and YOUR family! These are books to add to your Halloween book collection, and take out every year right around this time. I really, really enjoy collecting seasonal books and switching them out with the holidays. My Mom did this for my sister and me, and now I love doing this with my family. And if you order today, you can have them out by next Monday!

We have so many Halloween books, but here are just 10 of them that we absolutely love, and hopefully you do too! Many of our favorite books are out of print and from when I was a child (The Candy Witch, No Such Thing, etc.), but there are some fantastic ones available now. I included the Amazon links, but don’t forget to check out your local bookstore or library!

Enjoy, and happy Halloween month!

*today, 9/30/21 many of these books are on sale, so be sure to click through!

  1. How to Make Friends with a Ghost

  2. The Little Ghost Who Was a Quilt

  3. The Biggest Pumpkin Ever

  4. Leo: A Ghost Story

  5. Ghost Afraid of the Dark

  6. Pick a Pumpkin

  7. Gilbert the Ghost

  8. Gustavo the Shy Ghost

  9. At the Old Haunted House

  10. Berenstain Bears Trick-or-Treat

There are SO many more, and if you have any faves not included here, please share below!
